About Hiroshima University Medical Press

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Editorial Board members
of Hiroshima University Medical Press
All members belong to
the Graduate School
of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima University.

Editor in chief  
Norio Sakai

Molecular and pharmacological neuroscience

Associate Editors
Kazuo Awai
Diagnostic Radiology
Hideki Ohdan
Gastroenterological and Transplant Surgery
Shiro Oka
Tatsuhiko Kubo
Public Health and Health Policy
Shinya Takahashi
Yukio Takeshima
Akio Tanaka
Noboru Hattori
Molecular and Internal Medicine
Nobutaka Horie
Hirofumi Maruyama
Clinical Neuroscience and Therapeutics

About HJMS
The Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences (HJMS) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, online journal in English published quarterly by Hiroshima University Medical Press, with a history of more than 70 years since publishing its first issue in 1951. HJMS plays an important role in promptly disseminating the latest medical research findings to the world. With the internationalization and diversification of research, the HJMS contributes to the advances in medicine and healthcare by actively publishing articles in the field of medical sciences.
Aims and scope
The HJMS aims to publish the latest results in basic, translational, and clinical research that contribute to human health. The HJMS intends to transform medicine to prevent, diagnose, and cure human diseases by bridging the gap in scientific knowledge between basic research and clinical applications. The journal accepts only unpublished original papers including research articles, case reports, and review articles on new findings and technologies. Only manuscripts prepared in English will be accepted.
[Expected research fields]
Cardiovascular disease, metabolism, diabetes, obesity, neuroscience, psychiatry, cancer, immunology, infectious disease, vaccines, epidemiology, drug discovery, imaging, medical engineering, drug delivery, biomarkers, gene therapy, regenerative medicine, toxicity, pharmacology, radiology, statistics, bioinformatics, etc.

Hirshima Journal of Medical Sciences
Hiroshima Daigaku
 Igaku Zasshi
Hiroshima Daigaku Igaku Zasshi

“The Hiroshima University medical journal” is issuing around one or two times a year by a Japanese journal (in Abstract an English sentence) irregularly now. I accept general remarks, the original work about medicine, pharmacy, health studies (nursing science, physiotherapy studies, work load law) and the manuscript of the wide field including the general news.
Hiroshima Daigaku Igaku Zasshi is published one or two times a year irregularly.

Posting rules(Japanese)

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